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Quite Imposing Plus - Protected Mode

For Windows users, Acrobat Pro DC and Acrobat Pro 2020 recently added a new feature called Protected Mode. This is designed to protect files from being read by future hackers who find a way to attack through a downloaded PDF. The idea is called “sandboxing” and is now widely used in many apps. Unfortunately, the effect of this feature is to block many plug-ins, because they need to read files!

The Protected Mode feature is off by default, and we recommend that you keep the option off when using Quite Imposing Plus (see screen shot below), even if you turn the option back on to read untrusted files from the internet or email.

However, Quite Imposing Plus 5.0g did add some features to allow at least some use of Quite Imposing Plus when Protected Mode is on. You should note the following:

  • This is not available for any older product
  • 5.0g should allow you to install and start the plug-in, enter a license, and register.
  • The following are known not to work in 5.0g:
    • PDF backgrounds to read PDF files defined in an earlier session. (Work around: use Browse to choose the same source again).
    • Insert Pages to add PDF pages defined in an earlier session. (Work around: use Browse to choose the same source again).
    • Stick On PDF Pages to read pages defined in an earlier session. (Work around: use Browse to choose the same source again).
    • Variable data to read a data source defined in an earlier session. (Work around: use Browse to choose the same source again).
    • Sequences which import an XML file
    • Many automation sequences management functions, including Collect and Restore.
For further advice please contact help@quite.com.