Converting PostScript to EPS with PSAlter
Many applications can write PostScript, usually by choosing 'print to file'. But far fewer can produce Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files for use as graphics. Still fewer can attach the 'preview' which allows you to see on screen what an EPS graphic looks like.
Using PSAlter, you can readily convert many PostScript files into EPS, with a preview, ready for use with other applications.
Using the Translate function
The simplest way to convert to EPS is to start PSAlter and choose the Translate function.
Then you will get a familar Open File dialog, from which to choose the existing PostScript file. The 'translating' screen will appear, with a progress bar.
When complete, you will see the Export Options dialog, complete with a preview of the page. From this you select EPS format.
When you hit OK, you choose the file name to save, and the EPS is written. PSAlter will then terminate.
Exporting EPS in other modes
You are not limited to Translate mode when making an EPS file. In the View and Workbench modes you can use the File | Export function to export EPS (or BMP or TIFF) at any time after running a file.
Details on EPS translation
- PSAlter writes PC-format EPS files with a TIFF preview. The resolution and mode (colour/greyscale/black and white) are configurable.
- Under the rules of EPS, only single page PostScript files can be translated.
- PSAlter writes an EPS header with correct bounding box information, and an accurate list of fonts required.
- It is incorrect to have any operator to select page size inside an EPS file. PSAlter will detect and disable most such operators, so the EPS files are correct.
- There is a list of operators which are not allowed in EPS files (such as erasepage). If any of these have appeared, PSAlter issues a clear error message, warning you that the EPS file may not be correct, and giving a chance to cancel.
- If PSAlter detects that it is reading an EPS file, you have the chance to set the page size to match the declared EPS size, ensuring all images fit on the page.
- PSAlter can also read EPS files with a preview. It treats these as regular PostScript files, but discards the original preview. This is in case the PostScript is changed, making the preview wrong.
- Applications which "open" EPS files by interpreting them are now becoming more common (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Freehand, CorelDRAW). These are often limited e.g. only supporting level 1. If you cannot open an EPS in these programs, it may be tempting to convert it in PSAlter. But that won't help; the underlying PostScript code is still the same. But, if you place EPS files, the preview added by PSAlter should be helpful.
See also
EPS in ten easy stages
What is PSAlter?
PostScript introduction
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